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Personalized Product Design

I took a product design course in which we worked with real life clients. Because these prducts were rendered to the clients needs and wants, it forced me to assimilate the process that goes into working for somebody. I also leanred to pay close attention to detail, to have reason behind decisions, and how to translate their ideas in my own unique way. 

Japanese Hanko Design

​This project stems from an ancient Japanese tradition, the Hanko Stamp. A Hanko is a personalized stamp that the Japanese are gifted to sign their signature upon taxes, checks, and other personal documents. My job was to create a personalized Hanko for my client, Gabi Butvilofsky. Gabi is passionate about the outdoors and all it has to offer. She has a creative mind, and the stars are the limit- literally. Gabi feels best outdoors but most comfortable in the small space of her bedroom. Improving the amount of waste, we deposit and trash we build up is something she enjoys. Gabi wants to make sure she leaves this world in a better state then when she was born on it. 

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Task Tracker

​This product is made to cater to my specific client's needs. This product is meant to extract Megan's memory of gardening in the Philippines and help her cope and manage her daily routine using a task tracking product. Megan has grown up with anxiety and constantly feeling ill or fainting due to lack of nutrition. My job was to create a product that helped her with her daily agenda and was easy to use and portable. Fidget toys and products have been proven to help with anxiety, forgetfulness, and organization.

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